Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Casa Mono - A Catalan Oasis

As we've mentioned quite often, we love tapas.  Another tapas place we heard great things about is Casa Mono so we made a bee-line for their bar seats on one of DJ's summer Fridays off from work.  We didn't take pictures that day, but we enjoyed it so much that we returned with Toats and his friend Barry to share the delicious experience of this Catalan oasis in the midst of Union Square.

Jamón Iberico being sliced from its window seat

The seating area of Casa Mono is very small, but you do not need a reservation to sit at the bar.  So both times we went, we arrived as soon as the doors opened so we could guarantee a spot.  Over the course of our two visits, we tried a variety of the dishes including:

Hudson Valley Pork Charcuterie and Terrine Board, Spanish Cheese, House Pickles
(This platter included headcheese, a first for both of us although we've heard a lot about it on food shows.  Mel was not a fan; DJ didn't mind it, but wouldn't particularly seek it out again.)

Sardinas Fritas with Endive Salad

Fried Green Tomatoes with goat cheese

Rabbit with Habanero Cuajada and Mono Kimchee

Every bite of every dish in this place is phenomenal, though this is not a place to go if you're on any sort of diet.  The menu is very keen on rich cheeses, meats, and fats.  But if you're in the mood for indulgence, Casa Mono should rise to the top of your list.

One thing we did learn is that the menu changes frequently.  As this is being written, it appears that the fried green tomatoes are not offered on a regular basis.  And the first time we went, the rabbit dish was actually rabbit prepared three ways and included the heart (which DJ seriously LOVED!).  The second time (pictured above), the serving was much smaller and prepared in such a different way that DJ isn't sure he'd order it again in the future.  So we now know not to get too attached to any one thing that we try there, but that will definitely not deter us from going back. 

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