Tuesday, August 19, 2014

!!! Pardon the Interruption !!!

This is UNHEARD OF!  It has been MONTHS since we've updated our food adventures?!?!  

Life has been crazy the past few months for a variety of reasons.  The biggest reason, which will impact our Delicious and Nutritious posts considerably, is that we are relocating to Jersey!  Big move ahead, with a whole new food region to explore.  What foods is Jersey even known for?  We'll have to find out.  Also, probably lots more home cooking posts since any lines in our budget that used to go to tasting menus will now go to mortgage payments.  ;)  But not to worry - we'll still be headed into Manhattan often to enjoy all its cuisine.  We'll have the best of two worlds - Gotham and the 'burbs.

In the meantime, there are actually a bunch of food adventures we had over the past few months that we just didn't get a chance to post about yet.  So the next few entries will be a catch-up session to lead us right into our eventual first Jersey post.  Glad to be back to blogging!

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