Wednesday, August 20, 2014

GRK - Fresh Greek To Go

DJ's cousin is officially a Manhattanite now (woo!), and he stayed with us briefly while looking for a place to live.  During his visit, we decided to check out DJ's new office and grab lunch.

After giving DJ an impromptu desk-warming...

 and invading our buddy Brandon's desk space...

we headed out to grab food from GRK.  GRK features great fresh Greek food for the on-the-go lunch crowd.  There's a simple menu on the wall, you place your order, and wait for your number to be called to come grab your food.  Pretty much Chipotle for Greek food.

Mel went for a classic chicken pita...

while the guys got lamb platters.

We were all quite pleased with our meals, and surprised at how fresh the meat tasted from what is essentially a take-out chain.  We think their secret is that their meat is prepared on a rotisserie and they slice off fresh chunks for each order.  Hooray for a great lunch option near the job!

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