Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Father's Day 2014 brought lots of fun foodie times with both the Bernardin family and the Haile-Mariam family!

On Saturday, we invited the Bernardin crew to Toloache so Mr. B could be convinced to try the grasshopper tacos.  Unfortunately, if you can believe this, they were ALL OUT OF GRASSHOPPERS!!!???!!!  Despite that element of surprise being gone, we still enjoyed our meals.

Most of us got hamburgers, which were really well-prepared and came with great thin french fries.

And DJ decided to test out their chilaquiles, which were quite good.  He said the sauce could have been spicier, but the beef was prepared absolutely perfectly.

 Then we headed back to our apartment for a healthy dessert of homemade carrot cake.  Mel got the recipe from her co-worker's blog, and was quite pleased with the fact that it contained so many healthy ingredients yet still satisfied a sweet craving.
The process is quite simple:

shred the carrots (super easy with a food processor);

mix the dry ingredients;

add the wet ingredients;

flatten in pan and bake!

This was the perfect dessert to offer Mr. B since he tends to like things that just have a hint of sweetness.  We will definitely make this again!

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The next day (actual Father's Day) provided another opportunity for trying new recipes.  

We had the Haile-Mariam crew over, and offered a menu of jerk BBQ chicken, baked sweet plantains, spinach salad, and Jamie Oliver's "Best Pasta Salad."  The whole meal was a crowd-pleaser, and the salads proved to be a perfect lunch item for a hot summer day.

For dessert, we gave the carrot cake a make-over with icing and sprinkles...

and served some fruit as well to keep things healthy and refreshing.  :)


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