Tuesday, August 19, 2014

L'Artusi - Italian Done Right

 There are few things better than a plate of well-prepared pasta, so we are always down to try an Italian place with great reviews.  DJ heard great things about L'Artusi so we chose it as our celebration spot on the day we signed the contract for our new home!

Sadly, we did not write down what we ordered, and we think they've changed the menu since then.  We don't want to be inaccurate in titling the photos (integrity in blogging), so we've agreed we'll have to go back to give a more in-depth review.  

But until then, please know that we both agreed it was the best pasta we've had here in NYC.  Let these photos tide you over until we make our return visit.  :)

(This dessert tasted like an amazing deconstructed Ferrero Rocher.  Scrumptious!)

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