Saturday, July 6, 2013

Barbados with the Conde Crew

A couple of years ago we took off for Turks and Caicos with the Conde Crew.  We were way overdue for a reunion trip, so we decided to check out BARBADOS - home of lovely breezes, turquoise waters, the singer Rihanna, and some delicious island cooking.

We rented an apartment on the beach with plenty of room for all of us, which allowed for eating meals "at home" to save a bit of money.  The kitchen was very modern, and allowed for easy breakfasts and lunches.

Often times we'd choose to eat out on the balcony to enjoy the warm breeze and lovely view.

When we didn't feel like cooking, there was a restaurant at the hotel next door that offered some fun options.  
One of our favorites was the blackened fish - super spicy.

 A few days into the trip we decided to take a boat ride.  So relaxing to hit the open seas and hop in for a snorkel hear and there.  

And we all agreed that the meal they served was one of the best!  They offered flying fish, chicken, rice and beans, and mac pie (apparently a staple on Bajan menus - a delicious form of ziti with long noodles and [we're guessing] a dash of sugar; this mac pie on the boat had jalapenos as well!)

Perhaps our coolest foodie find on the trip was the most unexpected.  One day we were walking by the hotel pool and saw people eating out of white containers that we hadn't noticed at the hotel restaurant. Turned out a local woman parks her food truck in front of the hotel every morning and sells some authentic homemade Bajan food.  
We were admittedly a bit skeptical, but we saw so many people chowing down from those white containers we decided she must be trustworthy.  Turns out she's been doing this for 10 years and has "no regrets."  :)  We had no regrets either; her food was fabulous and affordable.

We were sad to leave this relaxing paradise, but parting was made a little easier by the lunch we had before getting on the plane.  We arrived at the airport fully expecting the usual fast food fare - greasy burgers, fries, etc.  But lo and behold, the Bajan airport "fast food" includes Island Grill which offers full plates of jerk chicken, rice and beans, mac pie, and festival bread (sweet corn bread)!  Possibly the best airport meal from a plastic container ever.

We'll miss you, Barbados!  Thanks for helping us forget the stresses of work and just go with the flow for a bit.

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