Sunday, July 21, 2013

England Day 4: Hogwarts Express!

So, this is a bit embarrassing.  Mel is a huge Harry Potter fan.  One would think that before heading to England, she would research exactly which train station put up a "Platform 9 & 3/4" sign for fans.  Alas, she didn't look it up until we were in Brighton... only to find out that the sign hangs in - you guessed it - King's Cross.  Where were WERE staying a mere few days earlier.  Oops!  Because DJ is a most wonderful husband, he agreed to go all the way back to the center of town to take a picture before going back out to the airport hotel for our overnight stay.  What a trooper!

Truthfully, the plan wasn't terrible.  Only involved 1 train each way.  And Mel had a chance to imagine the magic of being a Hogwarts student... if only for a second!

And it gave us a chance to go back to O'Neill's for our last pub meal before heading to Vienna.

Cheers to DJ to being open to the Potter adventure!  :)

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