Sunday, July 21, 2013

Vienna Day 1: Vienna Wanderings and Sud Lander

A mere 2 hour flight from London brought us to our next stop:  Vienna, Austria.

We had plenty of energy, so after dropping our stuff at the hotel we ventured out with a map to find the Austrian National Library.  Though we had a few wrong turns, the whole walk was fun because we happened upon so many beautiful historic buildings.  
And in the end, we finally got to the Austrian National Library... to discover that the historical wing was closed for renovations for the day.  Woops!  We made the most of it, picked up some information about their general library policies, and planned to return the next day.  

We found our way back much more easily, and discovered the lovely Sud Lander cafe near our hotel.  Perfect place for a hot meal before calling it a day.
 prosciutto with bread fresh from the oven

 lamb chops with polenta

pork with linguine

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