Sunday, July 21, 2013

England Days 2 & 3: Brighton and the Bhauras

Brighton was the location for Mel's IAFOR Conference.  We figured while she was sitting in meeting rooms, DJ could enjoy some beach time.  After all, it is a beach town right?  Well, pretty soon after our arrival we realized DJ could put his swim trunks at the bottom of his bag.  The "beach" consists of rocks.  All.  Rocks.  It was also a bit chilly.  Granted, we still saw lots of locals wandering around in bikinis, laying out on the rocks, and hopping in the ocean.  But, we just couldn't do it.  

Thankfully, the Bhaura family drove down to see us so our free time was spent hanging out with them and getting to know the baby.  YAY!  :)  She is the cutest and enjoyed making lots of funny faces for us while we ate at different restaurants.

We were in the mood for some spicy food, so this restaurant caught our eye.  Pho is a delightfully spicy Vietnamese soup, so we felt the menu would be promising.  And it was!  We agreed it may have been the best pho we've ever had.
Next door to Pho is Jamie Oliver's restaurant.  We first heard about Jamie here in the states when he started the "Food Revolution" trying to bring healthy food to schools.  Deep told us people feel he's a bit overexposed in the UK, but there's no denying his food is delicious and healthy.  He even has his own beer now!
(apologies for the strange shadows on the pictures; we got to sit on the roof deck complete with its lattice work overhead; perhaps we can consider these artsy?)

And when not out and about, we really enjoyed hanging out at our hotel's lobby bar.  DJ tried some great beers, and Mel discovered a new favorite organic soda:  Fentiman's.  The rose lemonade is superb (and hopefully available in the U.S.)!

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